April 2013 Action Item
The International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague is a unique and vital organ that provides one of the few means for tyrants, despots, and war criminals to be brought to justice—accomplishing in the international community what often cannot be done within their own countries. This past March alone, Congolese rebel leader and war lord, Bosco Ntaganda, turned himself in to face trial here for the crimes of murder, rape, child soldier recruitment, sexual slavery, and more at the ICC. Millions hope one day, Omar al-Bashir, Sudanese president and mastermind of widespread genocide in his own country, might be held accountable at the ICC as well. Currently, 121 different countries have a been signatures to the Rome Statute, which oversees the ICC. Unfortunately, the United States is not presently one of those countries.
Write today asking President Obama to help the United States take a lead role and stand for justice and accountability globally. Ask him to send his own letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to reaffirm the United States as a key signature of the Rome Statute and demonstrate our nation's commitment to justice.
Write to :
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500
Suggested Points:
- Indicate your belief in the United States as a country committed to “liberty and justice for all.”
- Express your understanding that the International Criminal Court serves as a vital organ to ensure justice for all. Indicate that you have been heartened by the war criminals, such as Bosco Ntaganda, finally facing trial for the horrific acts of which they stand accused.
- Express your hope that the United States will continue to be a leader in this area by reaffirming our signature of the Rome Statute of the ICC, and respectfully urge President Obama to write today to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon to reaffirm our signature to the Rome Statute.