October 2014 Action Item

Encourage Widows of Martyrs:

On October 19, Kenyan Pastor Charles Mathole was shot in church while reading the Bible. Please write an encouraging card to his young widow, Claris Mathole, who is grieving his loss. She says she is struggling with questions for God, but she continues to trust Him and is thankful for her church family that is encouraging her.

C/o Open Doors USA
Claris Mathole in Kenya
PO Box 27001
Santa Ana, CA 92799

Elia Lunyamila Meshack, a youth leader at his church in Tanzania, was killed during a violent attack while at an overnight church service. His wife Mary, three-year-old son Prosper, and infant daughter Prisca all mourn his martyrdom. Please send them a card and pray for them so they know they are not forgotten.

C/o Open Doors
Mary, Prosper, and Prisca Lunyamila
PO Box 27001
Santa Ana, CA 92799