April 2019 Action Item
As we approach Good Friday and remember the suffering of Christ, we will send notes of encouragement to some of those of His Body who continue to suffer for following Him, whose testimonies of faith have been provided by The Voice of the Martyrs. Sadly, it is the same list of 15 prisoners as the December Christmas Card list, but we pray that they will be reminded of Christ’s victory when these Easter cards arrive. We also persevere in prayer for the them and the thousands of others not on this list, who face persecution around the globe for their love of Christ.
For our condensed list of prisoner profiles and addresses, click here.
Please remember these tips:
Writing legibly is important—printing is preferable. It can be difficult to read or translate a note not in your native tongue, much more so if it is script or is illegible handwriting. PLEASE DO NOT MENTION ANY ORGANIZATIONS—SUCH AS CHRISTIAN ADVOCACY NOW, VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, OR EVEN YOUR CHURCH BY NAME. PLEASE MAKE NO POLITICAL COMMENTS. These are the only things that could be detrimental for the prisoner, as believers are often accused of having ties to “foreign” organizations.
Seal, Address, and mark with “AIRMAIL.” Always include a return address, even if it is merely your name, city, and country. We encourage you to use your own, rather than the church’s or an organizations, as too many cards from one address might seem suspicious to officials. Also, the numerous international postmarks help send a message to prison officials that the world is aware of this prisoner's situation. We suggest using labels to stave off writer's cramp! PLEASE BE SURE TO WRITE “AIRMAIL” ON THE FRONT OF THE ENVELOPE.