October 2020 Action

Street vendor and mother of 7, Prudence Amoussou went to look for her 17-year-old daughter, whom she feared might have gotten caught up in peaceful protests in Benin. These peaceful post-electoral demonstrations were marked by eruptions of governmental crackdowns and police brutality, including firing live bullets into crowds. It was because of this that Prudence Amoussou died after being shot in the back and left to struggle for breath lying in the street in a pool of her own blood. Finally, she was brought to a hospital, but died the next morning. Despite the bullet wounds, and the incident being caught on a video that went viral, her death certificate states she died of “illness,” so those responsible will not be held accountable. Join Amnesty International in the fight for the truth and justice about Prudence’s death. Using the link below, send an email to the President of Benin, Patrice Talon, urging him to:

  • Prohibit amnesty for crimes or other serious human rights violations committed during the protests in May 2019
  • Guarantee that impartial and independent investigations are opened into cases of unlawful killings, and that perpetrators are brought to justice in fair trials
  • Provide to Prudence’s family and all victims of the post-electoral violence with adequate, effective and prompt reparation
